Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Do the Right Thing: Muppet Style

It's icky. I've finally started using the Air Conditioner. I've been waiting around for the hottest day of the summer to show up to start spewing thoughts on Do the Right Thing, which my slight obsession with has been documented several times on this site. But with the not so hot, but still disgustingly humid summer New York has been having, I realized that it shall be difficult to correspond my coverage with the timeline of the film (which is just the hottest day of the year).

So lets get it started. In honor of the news that the Muppets will be incorporating Mad Men into their show, I bring you the unofficial Sesame Street spoof. Ernie is Mookie and Big Bird is Buggin' Out. Great casting if I've ever seen it. I've never wanted to see Big Bird curse tho :(

The Queen

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