Originally Made April 2012
I made this video in conjunction with a community Law Enforcement panel held this past spring. It led into a conversation with Brooklyn lawmakers, professors, and police officers on dealing with law enforcement If you are unfamiliar with the issues of police/resident relations in urban communities, I urge you to take just one look at my favorite movie, Do The Right Thing (I told you this movie explains life!). At the heart of the movie are the different relationships between community members, and the police scene at the end along with the Tawana told the truth graffiti, are indicative of the continuing struggles that are still faced today. Additionally, today's struggles with the Stop and Frisk policies in New York have garnered a great deal of attention and several local movements have started to protest the New York Police Department and city-sponsored actions.
Because while it makes for a great rap song, there's no reason to be stopped, just because you're young and you're black and your hat's real low.
Law Enforcement from K.D. Williams on Vimeo.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
The Fifteenth Amendment , the Women’s Suffrage Movement, and the battle against Jim Crow were
moments that left an indelible mark on my childhood brain. Both the American
struggle as well as the international fights were taught to me via the
classroom, the church, home lessons, and my insatiable appetite for learning
through movies. I was well aware of the importance of political participation.
I was just never 100% on its power.
While I suffered
through my dad’s insistence on watching the news at home and listening to news
coverage in the car, and did
biannual treks to the voting booths with a parent, I was always slightly disengaged. For me, civic duties are better fulfilled through volunteer opportunities and donations to charities that actually do the work. Local politicians sometimes make a difference –and their sessions are hilarious- so I'll give
them their due as well. At any given point,Mr. President and his compatriots in
Washington did not seem to be making much of a difference to my personal life. Most of the
time, I felt like this poor child:
Really though,
all I ever wanted to do was curl up with a good sitcom. The thought of Bill
O’Reilly all day made me cry.
To a certain
extent, I was not to be blamed. The first presidential election I
truly remember was Bill Clinton, with his smooth Arsenio Hall saxophone playing steez. In my Weekly Reader, I correctly predicted him to be the winner. By the
time I was in the 8th grade, he was impeached, yet somehow never had
to leave the office. Huh? It didn’t make sense to me. Then came Al Gore and
George Bush and pregnant chads that never got counted correctly. As far as I
was concerned America pretty much did whatever it felt like, not necessarily
what was right. The fact that welfare reform, dot com bubbles, and other major
events were occurring didn’t really matter. September 11th had to do
with politics, but in my personal bubble was more an affront against me, my
classmates, and my hometown. And John Kerry who?
Yet for some
reason between the 2008 and 2012 Presidential elections, it all began to make
sense. The importance of it all was in my face. Perhaps it was because I grew
up a bit. I did my own taxes, paid for my own healthcare, experienced
unemployment and dealt with grown
people problems. Spending time abroad really opened me to what people thought
of America, especially as it pertained to our foreign relations. Between the
blood diamond cultural awareness surge of 2006-2008, constant press about
Darfur, the earthquake in Haiti and the 10th anniversary of the
September 11th attacks, I had no choice but to pay more attention to
America’s interactions with foreign entities. I watched Arab Spring unfold via
twitter in between highlights of my favorite tv shows. The Tea Party and Occupy
Wall Street weren’t just movements, but also memes in my social media
procrastination. Politics were infringing on my pop culture obsessions and I
was being-dare I say- edutained by it all. To top it off, the historical and
cultural significance of the 2008 Obama election made it impossible to ignore
what was going on in the country. That, and I watched a whole lot more Colbert
Report when I did not have a bed time.
This election I
decided to engage. Instead of feeling like everything was happening to this
amorphous figurative “America” I began to see how it was happening to everyone
around me. I understood the anger and rage of those on both sides of the fence.
And then after hearing fallacious arguments and false corollaries, I felt the unthinkable happen. I moved
from apathy to concern, concern to disdain, and am possibly on my way to
righteous anger. The lives of every single person in the country were at stake,
and there was no way I could take people taking their personal minute concerns
over the rights and welfare of the nation. Quite frankly, unless you’re making
Romney money, I really do not understand. My little cousins need an education.
I need equal pay! Really, you can miss me with all of that air you’re blowing.
The playwright
Doug Wright (no I don’t really know who he is, but it is a good quote, and it’s
all over the innanets) summed it
up best when he said: “Then look
me in the eye, speak with a level clear voice, and say, 'My taxes and take-home
pay mean more than your fundamental civil rights….'
It’s like voting for George Wallace during the Civil Rights movements, and
apologizing for his racism. You’re still complicit. …You don’t get to walk away
clean, because you say you ‘disagree’ with your candidate on these issues.” He
was referring specifically to gay marriage, but it pretty much transfers to
anything at stake in the elections.
While I have
threatened to run away depending on the outcome of this vote, the great thing
about this country is there tends to be some kind of balance. We won’t end up
completely on either side of the spectrum, and life will go on without too much
interruption. But if nothing else, I hope the debates, constant coverage and
incessant talk of Bronco Bama and Mitt Romney can force my fellow disengaged
buddies to stop being apathetic, and give in to full, active participation…both
during the election season and afterwards.
Vanity Tags:
Barack Obama,
James Earl Jones,
Mary Poppins,
Mitt Romney,
Sunday, November 04, 2012
It's the News Hour With Special Guest: Everyone
Originally Written April 21, 2012
I wrote this piece after reflecting on the popularity of The Melissa Harris Perry Show and Up With Chris. I never posted it, but thought it accurately reflected the community that news talk had created. Two months after I wrote this, NYTimes published this piece. I felt justified. The New York Times always picks up on things a few months after the public.
It’s the News Hour With Special Guest: Everyone

Once upon a time, the news spread by word of mouth. People gathered around town circles, sat in salons, and communities were bolstered through the sharing of news. Over time, the sharing of news became less of a community event and more of a one-way process. The exchange between the public and the media was one where the public gave their time in exchange for information, but no one provided reasonable means for closing the feedback loop. Outside of the world of community access and citizen run programming, the one-way model was common across all media.
If there was anywhere in the media landscape expected to alter the production/consumption model, it definitely was not the news. Yet, after a rowdy Friday night, the hypest place on a Saturday morning is MSNBC and Twitter. Two programs: Up With Chris Hayes and The Melissa Harris Perry Show have revolutionized the way people watch and share the news. Comments fly through social media. “Right on, #uppers” one tweet reads. Two hours later, “Yaaaas, love this perspective, but not those earrings. #nerdland” is posted on facebook. These shows have succeeded in creating a community, and increasing participation from viewers in a way that news programming and television outside of community access television has failed to do recently. This new community built news programming has bolstered the effect of the shows by prompting more interaction, and in the particular cases of “Up With Chris” and “The Melissa Harris Perry Show” also created positive returns for the network.
The hashtag (#), the tool that unites viewers across these mediums, merits some of the glory for this community building. #uppers and #nerdland suggest a more relaxing and inviting atmosphere than say, #upwithchris or #themhpshow. For one, #uppers sounds likes a stimulant drug, something that would get your blood flowing for the day. It is an energy builder to get you ready for deep thought on the weekend. #nerdland invokes a fantasy aspect for one to get lost in, even thought the topics are very real. You visit #nerdland, after tripping out on #uppers. It also plays on the fantasy and fanboy literature that used to signify a small community of intense fans of science fiction books and TV series.
These news programs have reached beyond how traditional media has sought to use social media. Most media outlets have simply moved the traditional flow of “I talk. You listen.” to these newer programs. While the audience may provide feedback on Facebook or Twitter, no one is building a true conversation. The community, these news shows build, differs because they allow interaction and conversation on all aspects, and from all participants. The hosts bring viewers into conversations about the weekly preparation. The weekly panelists contribute thoughts, and respond to each other as well as the community with opinions, facts, and links to additional information. Viewers discuss the show’s topics as it happens on air and end up engaging with people they may have never met in person, but through online personalities can identify, argue, and commiserate with, while in the midst of Saturday morning cleaning or hangover healing.
It would be nice to think that this community building would then lead to action. People uniting to address the societal ills brought up in conversation on the show would probably be the most positive and community-building outcome that this model could bring. But, for the time being, it is enough to revel in the conversation around the metaphorical time square. I am sure the networks do not mind pointing out the social impression to their advertisers either.
I wrote this piece after reflecting on the popularity of The Melissa Harris Perry Show and Up With Chris. I never posted it, but thought it accurately reflected the community that news talk had created. Two months after I wrote this, NYTimes published this piece. I felt justified. The New York Times always picks up on things a few months after the public.
It’s the News Hour With Special Guest: Everyone

Once upon a time, the news spread by word of mouth. People gathered around town circles, sat in salons, and communities were bolstered through the sharing of news. Over time, the sharing of news became less of a community event and more of a one-way process. The exchange between the public and the media was one where the public gave their time in exchange for information, but no one provided reasonable means for closing the feedback loop. Outside of the world of community access and citizen run programming, the one-way model was common across all media.
If there was anywhere in the media landscape expected to alter the production/consumption model, it definitely was not the news. Yet, after a rowdy Friday night, the hypest place on a Saturday morning is MSNBC and Twitter. Two programs: Up With Chris Hayes and The Melissa Harris Perry Show have revolutionized the way people watch and share the news. Comments fly through social media. “Right on, #uppers” one tweet reads. Two hours later, “Yaaaas, love this perspective, but not those earrings. #nerdland” is posted on facebook. These shows have succeeded in creating a community, and increasing participation from viewers in a way that news programming and television outside of community access television has failed to do recently. This new community built news programming has bolstered the effect of the shows by prompting more interaction, and in the particular cases of “Up With Chris” and “The Melissa Harris Perry Show” also created positive returns for the network.
The hashtag (#), the tool that unites viewers across these mediums, merits some of the glory for this community building. #uppers and #nerdland suggest a more relaxing and inviting atmosphere than say, #upwithchris or #themhpshow. For one, #uppers sounds likes a stimulant drug, something that would get your blood flowing for the day. It is an energy builder to get you ready for deep thought on the weekend. #nerdland invokes a fantasy aspect for one to get lost in, even thought the topics are very real. You visit #nerdland, after tripping out on #uppers. It also plays on the fantasy and fanboy literature that used to signify a small community of intense fans of science fiction books and TV series.
These news programs have reached beyond how traditional media has sought to use social media. Most media outlets have simply moved the traditional flow of “I talk. You listen.” to these newer programs. While the audience may provide feedback on Facebook or Twitter, no one is building a true conversation. The community, these news shows build, differs because they allow interaction and conversation on all aspects, and from all participants. The hosts bring viewers into conversations about the weekly preparation. The weekly panelists contribute thoughts, and respond to each other as well as the community with opinions, facts, and links to additional information. Viewers discuss the show’s topics as it happens on air and end up engaging with people they may have never met in person, but through online personalities can identify, argue, and commiserate with, while in the midst of Saturday morning cleaning or hangover healing.
It would be nice to think that this community building would then lead to action. People uniting to address the societal ills brought up in conversation on the show would probably be the most positive and community-building outcome that this model could bring. But, for the time being, it is enough to revel in the conversation around the metaphorical time square. I am sure the networks do not mind pointing out the social impression to their advertisers either.
Vanity Tags:
Chris Hayes,
Media coverage,
Melissa Harris Perry,
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Call Me Lazy, But Don't Call It a Comeback
That last post was decidedly strange. It eluded to mystery and nothing came afterward. It was supposed to be the start of my 30 posts in 30 days challenge. This was a mission I knew would fail because I attempted to start it in the midst of vacationing at my family reunion. Coming right off a hellish July-celebrating my birthday in the midst of a craaazy work situation (they locked out the union workers, and I in turn lived in the office)- all I wanted to do in actuality was sleep. The terms of my work life over the past 2 years have forced me to realize that whatever my experience had been as a student-writing and media were my true loves and the place where my passion resides.
While I was a grad student and subsequently unemployed, I spent a decent amount of free time writing and updating this blog. Then, I had the idea that I needed to understand how businesses work and started at my current company full time. For the last three years, I have learned a lot, but never quite left writing alone. I updated intermittently and have pursued my love in various other ways. I continue to direct/produce productions within my community. I have explored writing at work. I partake in acting workshops. I discovered disposable income and all its trappings and temptations (Hello Anthropologie and spin classes!). I have pitched stories and been denied. I've also been granted opportunities to write. I play around with video making and editing. I write really long emails to my friends that might as well be blog posts. Sometimes, I write for myself.
Following will be a series of posts that show some of what I have been up to in the time I haven't been updating the blog. For this holiday season, the gift I'm giving myself includes more time honing the craft and communicating.
Thanks to the 6+ people who have continuously asked and pestered me about updating over the past two years. It's been a long time, but don't call it a comeback. I've been here.
While I was a grad student and subsequently unemployed, I spent a decent amount of free time writing and updating this blog. Then, I had the idea that I needed to understand how businesses work and started at my current company full time. For the last three years, I have learned a lot, but never quite left writing alone. I updated intermittently and have pursued my love in various other ways. I continue to direct/produce productions within my community. I have explored writing at work. I partake in acting workshops. I discovered disposable income and all its trappings and temptations (Hello Anthropologie and spin classes!). I have pitched stories and been denied. I've also been granted opportunities to write. I play around with video making and editing. I write really long emails to my friends that might as well be blog posts. Sometimes, I write for myself.
Following will be a series of posts that show some of what I have been up to in the time I haven't been updating the blog. For this holiday season, the gift I'm giving myself includes more time honing the craft and communicating.
Thanks to the 6+ people who have continuously asked and pestered me about updating over the past two years. It's been a long time, but don't call it a comeback. I've been here.
Friday, August 03, 2012
This isn't how I imagined it. This time, writing would be different. Time, responsibilities, other excuses and constraints do not care about the musings in my head. Still, I'll persevere. I'll make it through.
I'll be less evasive on another day. For now, enjoy the mystery.
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Calm Down, Nobody Put Shackles on Him...
No, Lady. You're son is most definitely not a slave. He's a 7 year old who temporarily fell prey to some peer pressure.
But this is some good old silliness masked by the blinding love of motherhood and a teacher with failed clasroom technique. I’ve been around 7 year olds. Most of them aren’t quite this articulate, but I have met some smart cookies. So assuming this gifted student is insightful and savvy, his analogy is still a little off, seeing as the teacher is also black. It’s more like how adults can abuse and say whatever they want to little kids, because “I’m big . You’re small.” in the words of Roald Dahl. Then again, the teacher also used the wrong word. Follower doesn’t exactly equate to slave. Eh, children learn from what they see.
I'm neither a child psychologist, nor a PhD in Educational Theory, but the parent's response to this leaves me a little worried for our education system on the discipline front. “It does nothing to negate the fact that she demeaned my son in front of his peers,” Did we miss the point where your son hit another kid? Perhaps this wasn’t the best way and John Dewey would suggest something different, but regardless of the fact that you send your child to be educated, there has to be some form of discipline if only to manage the classroom. In the perfect educational setting classroom management would come before discipline.
The classroom to prison pipeline is real, and if our governments make policy and build prisons based on numbers of black boys passing the 2nd and 3rd grades, then it is not that unrealistic for educators to want to protect against this very theory. Your son isn't going to jail. He's gifted. We got that. But I'm not too mad at the teacher. She thought she was helping.
All of that aside,this article really led me to a place where I thought about American memory (suprise!) and how it influences us to think about our past and where we are going. In his retelling of the story to his mother, our articulate , bright, and clean 7 year old boy starts out with this, "I’m not a slave, I’m a human being and I deserve to be respected like one. She might as well have just called me a nigger..."
Society needs to address the idea of humanity and slavery. Slavery in its American carnation is the most brutal I can think of in world slaveries. The United States constitution also deemed American slaves as 3/5ths of a person. Slaves were treated like cattle,-branded, and even forced to “mate” with each other under selective breeding matches that masters would make. Even with all of that, in 21st century discussion we must not continue to dehumanize the group that built this countries. Slaves were human beings. They were denied their inalienable rights, but still had blood, a heart beat, emotions, and a cognitive ability you don’t find among lesser mammals. I am not a slave, but all slaves were humans. Don’t ever forget that.
But this is some good old silliness masked by the blinding love of motherhood and a teacher with failed clasroom technique. I’ve been around 7 year olds. Most of them aren’t quite this articulate, but I have met some smart cookies. So assuming this gifted student is insightful and savvy, his analogy is still a little off, seeing as the teacher is also black. It’s more like how adults can abuse and say whatever they want to little kids, because “I’m big . You’re small.” in the words of Roald Dahl. Then again, the teacher also used the wrong word. Follower doesn’t exactly equate to slave. Eh, children learn from what they see.
I'm neither a child psychologist, nor a PhD in Educational Theory, but the parent's response to this leaves me a little worried for our education system on the discipline front. “It does nothing to negate the fact that she demeaned my son in front of his peers,” Did we miss the point where your son hit another kid? Perhaps this wasn’t the best way and John Dewey would suggest something different, but regardless of the fact that you send your child to be educated, there has to be some form of discipline if only to manage the classroom. In the perfect educational setting classroom management would come before discipline.
The classroom to prison pipeline is real, and if our governments make policy and build prisons based on numbers of black boys passing the 2nd and 3rd grades, then it is not that unrealistic for educators to want to protect against this very theory. Your son isn't going to jail. He's gifted. We got that. But I'm not too mad at the teacher. She thought she was helping.
All of that aside,this article really led me to a place where I thought about American memory (suprise!) and how it influences us to think about our past and where we are going. In his retelling of the story to his mother, our articulate , bright, and clean 7 year old boy starts out with this, "I’m not a slave, I’m a human being and I deserve to be respected like one. She might as well have just called me a nigger..."
Society needs to address the idea of humanity and slavery. Slavery in its American carnation is the most brutal I can think of in world slaveries. The United States constitution also deemed American slaves as 3/5ths of a person. Slaves were treated like cattle,-branded, and even forced to “mate” with each other under selective breeding matches that masters would make. Even with all of that, in 21st century discussion we must not continue to dehumanize the group that built this countries. Slaves were human beings. They were denied their inalienable rights, but still had blood, a heart beat, emotions, and a cognitive ability you don’t find among lesser mammals. I am not a slave, but all slaves were humans. Don’t ever forget that.
Vanity Tags:
Black History Month,
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