Friday, August 07, 2009

Old School Friday: Chaka Khan Chaka Khan Chaka Khan Chaka Khan

Chaka Khan, Chaka Khan, Chaka Khan Chaka Khan!

Yes, today's Old School Friday celebrates one of the greats. Everytime I hear the name Chaka, beyond thoughts of fantabulous red hair and extreme outfits(which unlike Diana Ross didn't frighten me) I tend to think of my favorite movie soundtrack Waiting to Exhale and her contribution. The judges on American Idol would definitely agree that she made the song her own.

Then I burst into a panic attack at how I can limit myself to solely one other choice. So I thought back to what could be considered a college classic: Through the Wire, and how that song could never be without

I'm not even touching the Rufus days.

When Whitney Houston redid "I'm Every Woman," I wasnt allowed to sing it. Apparently I would have corrupted my 7 year old mind.

Join in on the Old School Friday fun at Conversations with Marva!


  1. Nah, it wouldn't have "corrupted" your mind--just made you too "womanish." Nobody would have been able to tell your 7 y.o. sassy behind nothin'! :-) LOLOL

    Happy OSF!

  2. I used to KILL Through the Fire. My mother used to just shake her head whenever it would get to the scream ... er... long note at the end because I was working it out. I used to want Chaka's crazy mane but now I know I would have gone crazy with all that hair. LOL Happy OSF>

  3. I absolutely love these picks. Through The Fire, I am going to make my own personal theme this weekend. Thank you for this inspiration.

  4. I thoroughly appreciated one of my sister friends putting me on to "I know you, I live you, I love you" off her wedding compilation cd(my friends' own that is not Chaka's lol)Now it's one of my favorites and today is the one year anni of their NDOA(wedding)!

  5. @PPR_Scribe.
    Lol...if only kids today weren't walking around singing "Birthday Sex" Smh.

    @Hey Shae!
    I still think I could rock with the hair. Leela James is now my hairo even tho I know my hair will never look like hers.

    If you have to pick a theme song thats a pretty solid one to go with. Hope the weekend was fab.

    I was at that wedding!! Lol. They posted it this weekend on their blog and they didnt even know the good OSF folks were celebrating Chaka


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