Friday, August 28, 2009

Old School Friday: Yep, I know all the words

This week's Old School Friday is a song that people will be surprised you know. I'm random and don't think I really surprise people anymore. At first I thought Journey, "Don't Stop Believing" then realized that everyone knows that song and I just joined the party late in life.

While I don't know all the words to this one, it was a favorite of my elementary school years. Yes, random I know. But who doesn't love Adam Sandler?

Bonus Songs:
Christina Aguilera before she became super famous. Definitely my favorite song straight through high school, much to the chagrin of my friends.

A good friend was obsessed with this song. There was no choice but for me to learn all the words before my Billy Joel phase sophomore year of college.

For more Old School Friday, rules and how to join in on the fun check out href="">"Conversations with Marva"


  1. These are good choices...the Adam Sandler made me giggle!

    Happy OSF!

  2. Billy Joel I have called one of my fake, older, famous, drunk boyfriends, on my blog for years. I actually like his work.

  3. I am right there with you on the Billy Joel front. Man! I saw him in concert last year and he was NUTS.

    And I love Adam Sandler too! LOL

  4. Happy OSF! I don't tell many folks ... but, Mulan is probably my favorite Disney cartoon movie. I used to ask my daughter to watch it over and over just so I could see it!

    I invite your blog readers to enjoy music by Gino Vanelli. He is the artist that you would be surprised that I listen to...

    peace, Villager

  5. Great picks! I love Piano Man and I love animated movies!

  6. I gotta say of all the OSF sites I've visited for today's theme, this one hands-down has the most surprising choices. And good ones too! That one by Adam Sandler had me cracking up.

    Happy OSF!

  7. @Marvalus :glad to make anyone smile

    @Cooper and soulafrodisiac: I love Billy Joel's collection. I'll even hum along to "We Didn't start the Fire" even though it is horrific.

    @Villager: My productivity is never helped by the fact that all of Mulan is on You Tube.

    @Regina: I'm a sucker for cartoons

    @Keith: You think so? thanks. Steve Polychronopolous is a classic, but not well known.


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